Our History​

Attari Group of Companies has been a trusted supplier of dairy products since 2020. Over the years, we have built strong relationships with local farmers and suppliers, allowing us to provide our customers with the freshest and highest quality dairy products.

Fresh and Organic Products for Every Day
Fresh and Organic Products for Every Day

We Raise Domestic Breeding Cows

Our cows are all pedigree, that means that we breed from them, keep the best and record their births and their family lines can be traced back probably in some cases 60 years. They all have 2 ear tags, and these numbers relate to their passport number, a number they keep for life.

Visit Our Dairy Farm

You will have the opportunity to visit our farms, where you can learn about the interesting process of animal husbandry. And at the tasting, you will feel like you are in the Swiss Alps, and you will also bring home unique delicacies.